Llamas be like…

Depending on who you ask, generative AI is either the greatest threat or biggest opportunity for travel marketeers since…well…since the last tech great leap forward happened (remember VR?). 

Or of course, as with any development, there are going to be risks and opportunities - and as travel marketeers, it’s our responsibility to approach it with an open mind. We’ll talk a lot more about how AI will change the travel marketing landscape in the future (and change it it will), but in the meantime, we’ve done what everyone else has done, and asked ChatGPT a silly question to see what it would say. 

In our case, it was to find out 10 things about Llamas you never knew (and neither did we). It’s no coincidence that the response we received - which highlights the llama glama’s (that’s Latin for Llama, fact fans) curiosity, approachability, agility, playfulness, and readiness to express an opinion - are characteristics shared by our own herd*, and which make them such a compelling and powerful group. 

  1.  Llamas have a unique facial expression that often appears as if they are wearing a perpetual smile. Their wide, toothy grin adds to their charm and gives them a friendly and approachable appearance.

  2. Llamas have a reputation for being curious creatures. They are known to investigate objects by approaching them and sometimes even giving them a gentle nudge with their noses. Their inquisitive nature can lead to amusing encounters.

  3. Llamas are agile jumpers and can clear obstacles that are as high as 3 to 4 feet (0.9 to 1.2 meters). It's quite entertaining to see these seemingly calm and composed animals suddenly leaping with surprising grace.

  4. Llamas are excellent swimmers. While it may not be a common sight, they are capable of swimming across rivers and lakes if needed. Picture a llama gracefully paddling through the water—it's definitely an amusing image!

  5. Llamas are known for their unique pronking behavior. Pronking, also referred to as "llama leaping," involves the llama springing up into the air and kicking their legs out sideways. It's a playful display that can be both entertaining and adorable.

  6. Llamas have a strong aversion to canines. If a llama feels threatened by a dog, it may engage in a defense mechanism called ‘kushing’. This involves the llama lying down on the ground and sticking its legs out to kick at the perceived threat. Witnessing a llama fend off a tiny dog can be quite comical.

  7. Llamas are not afraid to express their opinions. They are known to hum, grunt, and even make a sound similar to a peacock's call, called "orgling." These vocalizations can be amusing and entertaining, especially when they are interacting with each other.

  8. Llamas have a playful side and enjoy engaging in games with each other. They may chase each other around, playfully nip at each other's ears, or engage in mock battles. It's a delightful sight to witness llamas engaging in their version of friendly sparring.

  9. Llamas have a unique defense mechanism: spitting. While it's not necessarily funny if you're on the receiving end, watching llamas engage in a spitting match with each other can be quite humorous. They can be surprisingly accurate with their aim!

  10. Llamas have a quirky sense of humor. They may engage in antics like stealing hats, nibbling on shirt sleeves, or photobombing pictures. Their mischievous behavior adds a touch of whimsy and laughter to any interaction.

* The ‘spitting as a defense mechanism’ and ‘lying on the floor with our legs sticking out’, not so much. We prefer reasoned, open-minded discussion, consensus and stakeholder collaboration when confronted by a challenge. But we’ll try anything if it helps to reach a solution… 


The myth of the Marketing Jedi