Dean Harvey | Brand & Campaign Llama

Dean Harvey is a C-Suite marketer known for creating and accelerating marketing strategy and brand recognition. Focussed on driving marketing vision, building marketing programmes and large teams. Formerly Marketing Director for the Kuoni UK brand.

An accomplished, senior marketing professional with travel and retail marketing experience, encompassing strategic planning, qualitative & quantitative research, brand-building, digital and interactive marketing, creative development, media planning & buying, database/direct-marketing, public relations, sales promotion and visual merchandising, with the ability and skill set to provide creative, innovative, enthusiastic and forward-thinking leadership.  

Previously Dean worked at award-winning advertising agency Designate, where he was digital development director working on campaigns for clients including Mark Warner, TravelZoo.

“During my career I’ve rarely came across individuals like Dean who manage to maintain their creative flair and independence in a corporate world.

I hired Dean as Marketing Director at Kuoni after being super-impressed with his agency side work at Designate. In the seven years that followed he delivered numerous successful and award winning brand campaigns with me.

I have always been impressed by Dean's ability to keep everyone on side, even when the deadlines were due and the pressure was on. While other marketing professionals need years to develop that ability, to him it was perfectly natural from the beginning.

Dean is a well-respected and natural networker, famous in the travel industry for his easy manner and good company. He has nurtured a wide community of supportive industry colleagues.
Dean earns my highest recommendation, not just as a thoughtful leader but as a team player as well.”

Derek Jones - ex-CEO of Der Touristik (UK)